6. Remember to remind the operator not to "clean up" th […]
6. Remember to remind the operator not to "clean up" the hot nozzle at the gate. If the operator happens to see a small piece of stainless steel at the nozzle of the mold fitting, it may be a nozzle assembly. "Cleaning up" this seemingly obstructing thing often ruins enthusiasm. In order not to damage the hot nozzle, please confirm the nozzle type of the hot runner system before taking action, and ensure that all operators are trained to recognize the different types of nozzles they are in contact with.
7. Taxi stop. For machines that run endlessly throughout the year, this should be done weekly. The end of the year is a good time to routinely lubricate these parts.
8. Check the resistance value of the heater interactively. You should have measured the resistance of the heater when you first started using it, and it is time to measure and compare it again at the end of the year. If the resistance value fluctuates by ± 10%, consider replacing the heater to ensure that it does not fail at critical moments in the production process. If the initial resistance value has never been measured, measure it once and use the resulting value as reference data for future inspections of the heater.
9. Look for signs of wear between the guide post and the guide sleeve. Look for signs of scratches or abrasions. The wear of this mold part is caused by lack of lubrication. If the trace just appears, you can also extend the life of the guide post and guide bush by lubricating it. If the wear is severe, it should be replaced with new parts. Otherwise, the cavity and core parts may not fit well, resulting in different thicknesses of the cavity walls of the parts.